Shin Koyamada and Nia Lyte

Co-Founders, Koyamada International Foundation (KIF)


Creator, Guardian Girls

Shin Koyamada

Originally from Japan, Shin Koyamada is an American actor, producer, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Koyamada became best known worldwide for his film debut co-starring with Tom Cruise in “The Last Samurai" and Disney's "Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior". For over 15 years, Koyamada has produced numerous films, TV shows, video games, comics and live events through his company Shinca Entertainment. In addition to his entertainment and entrepreneurial career, Koyamada is well known to international community for his philanthropic efforts through Koyamada International Foundation (KIF) he co-founded in 2008.

Creator, Guardian Girls

Nia Lyte

Originally from Colombia, Nia Lyte is a wife of Shin Koyamada, TED Talk speaker, author, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Lyte is a well-known author for her book "The Power of your Inner Beauty", released by the major publishers Barnes & Nobles and Amazon. For over 20 years, Lyte has spoken before thousands of global women leaders about women's leadership and empowerment at numerous international conference in the U.S., Asia and South America. She was a speaker for TEDxKyoto, the largest TEDx event in Japan. Nia is a co-founder of Koyamada International Foundation (KIF) and President of Shinca Entertainment.