About World Karate Federation
Headquarters in Madrid, Spain, the World Karate Federation (WKF) is the international governing body of Karate. With 200 national federations spanning five continents, the WKF manages the sport of Karate for its over 100 million fans around the world, and it organizes Karate events worldwide. Formed in 1990, it is the only Karate organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
WKF Headquarters
PRESIDENT: Mr. Antonio Espinós
ADDRESS: Calle Princesa 25, 3º1, 28008 . Madrid, Spain
TEL: (+34) 91 535 96 32
EMAIL: wkf@wkf.net
WEBSITE: http://wkf.net
Continental Federations
- African Karate Federation (UFAK) - 49 national member federations
- Asian Karate Federation (AKF) - 44 national member federations
- European Karate Federation (EKF) - 54 national member federations
- Panamerican Karate Federation (PKF) - 39 national member federations
- Oceanian Karate Federation (OKF) - 12 national member federations
Social Media
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wkfofficial
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/worldkaratefederation/
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/worldkarate_wkf
- YouTube (PKF) - https://www.youtube.com/user/WKFKarateWorldChamps